Please be in touch


Please contact us

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us. We try to help you so that your stay at the Beckasin will be a memory for life.

Find Us
Granö Beckasin is located in central Västerbotten, between Umeå and Lycksele. You get here by driving Road E12. From Lycksele, it is 45 minutes drive and from Umeå it takes an hour.

Phone: +46 (0)933-410 00
Visiting Address: Beckasin Lodge, Västanå 15, 922 95
Postal address: Beckasin Lodge, Västanå 15, 922 95


Are you looking for a specific person?

Cecilia Sandström

Christopher Storm

Hanna Levisson

Michael Bonta

Kitchen supervisor

Victor Svedlund


Contact Jenny Forsberg

For a quote, booking, or activity suggestions:

• Fastest via the form next to this.
• Or via email
• Call tel +46 93341000

Want to book a video meeting? It´s easy

Click the button, select date and time.

Jenny Forsberg