
About Jan-Erik Sjöblom

An entire destination to his memory

The Common Snipe is a small bird with a long beak. When Jan-Erik Sjöblom was a little boy, he found a snipe and became very fond of the beautiful bird. He decided to learn how to preserve birds in order to keep them for the future. Today, more than 70 years later, he has canned more than 30 000 birds and other animals. Most of the time he has preserved others, but some he has retained and today he has a collection of 1 000 birds and animals.


To ensure that his collection remains in the district, Jan-Erik has donated it to Vindeln municipality’s citizens. His donation gave us the idea of creating not only a bird gallery, but a whole new destination.

This is a short film about Jan-Erik Sjöblom, our inspiration for the company. See it and you will understand why we wanted to embark on this adventure.

Common Snipe / Enkelbeckasin 
(Gallinago gallinago)

23-28 cm. Exists throughout the country. Nests in wetlands. Wintering in Western Europe, some in West Africa. When the bird plummets from high altitude the tail feathers vibrate creating a humming sound.