Travel on a timber raft and sleep in a flying tent

Big Timber raft package

A taste of the wilderness and self-guided adventures

Timber rafting with an overnight stay in a flying tent is a classic Scandinavian summer adventure. Bring your family or a group of friends and create wonderful memories.
In this package you get to try timber rafting for two days, including a night in the great outdoors that you’ll spend in a flying tent.
After check-in at Granö Beckasin, you begin building the raft. An experienced guide will instruct onsite. You’ll use a specially designed building station, a pile of prepared timber logs and lots of rope. The construction part usually takes 2,5–3 hours. After this you’ll enjoy a lovely dinner and a good night’s sleep.
After breakfast the next day it’s time for the adventure at sea (or river, rather). The raft is launched. We’ll also give you a laminated map, first aid and safety and rescue equipment, outdoor kitchen equipment and everything you’ll need for your night outdoors.
Once you’re on the river, the raft will glide slowly down stream. You and your group can enjoy the birdlife, a swim, the view of the deep forest and open fields. The birdlife is especially rich along the river.
With the map you navigate easily along the river. After a few hours you reach the spot for your overnight stay. There is a great swimming spot here, a barbeque hut, places to sit and an outhouse. In this basic camp spot you’ll rig your flying tent (or regular tent if you prefer) and cook dinner by the campfire.
The following day you take off again. Once you reach the final destination, you give us a call and then begin to take apart the raft. This takes about an hour. We’ll come and get you and take you back to Granö Beckasin where a well deserved dinner and a bed awaits.

Package includes:

  • 2 nights accommodation at Granö Beckasin
  • 2 x hotel breakfast
  • 2 x hotel dinner, 2 courses
  • Timber raft construction, guided
  • 2 days timber raft journey, no guide
  • 1 night in a tent, no guide
  • Food package for the rafting (2 lunches, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast)
  • All equipment and safety equipment needed
  • Transfer from the destination back to Granö Beckasin
  • A raft can carry up to 6 adults
  • Most suitable for children over 12 years old
  • Everyone on board must be able to swim
  • If younger children are joining, please keep in mind they have to be watched during the construction of the raft, please have a plan for this
  • For the construction you will need hiking boots or similar, working clothes and gloves
  • For the cruise you will need to dress according to the weather. We do suggest shoes or sandals that are ok in water, sun block, cap, sun glasses, mosquito repellant, wind breaker, sweater and long pants, no matter what the forecast says.
  • Don’t forget water bottles, swimwear, binoculars and waterproof bags for phone and camera.
  • A raft can carry up to 6 adults
  • Most suitable for children over 12 years old
  • Everyone on board must be able to swim
  • If younger children are joining, please keep in mind they have to be watched during the construction of the raft, please have a plan for this
  • For the construction you will need hiking boots or similar, working clothes and gloves
  • For the cruise you will need to dress according to the weather. We do suggest shoes or sandals that are ok in water, sun block, cap, sun glasses, mosquito repellant, wind breaker, sweater and long pants, no matter what the forecast says.
  • Don’t forget water bottles, swimwear, binoculars and waterproof bags for phone and camera.

Day 1

Arrival (room check-in from 3 pm)
Construction of the raft, 2,5–3 hours with guide at 4 pm
Dinner in the restaurant

Day 2

Lunch outdoors
Timber raft journey, no guide
Dinner outdoors
Overnight in a flying tent in suggested spot, no guide

Day 3

Breakfast outdoors
Continues timber raft journey, no guide

Deconstruction of raft upon arrival, no guide
Transfer back to Granö Beckasin
Dinner in the restaurant

Day 4

The timber raft journey and overnight in a tent are non guided and require a desire for a small adventure. The construction of the raft is instructed by a guide but requires a physical effort.
You don’t need to have any prior experience. Our guides make sure that the raft is built correctly and that all necessary equipment and safety equipment is onboard. Our guides also go over the journey in detail before your departure.
  • Everyone onboard must be able to swim
  • Children can join but must be able to swim
  • Most suitable for children over 12 years old
  • To build a raft requires at least 2 adults with average physical ability
  • If you have physical restrictions and cannot build a raft, you can upgrade to a pre-built one (contact us to enquire)

Price from SEK 1410/person per night

(example of family of 2 adults and 2 kids sharing a hotel cabin and a raft)